Katy Lawson, FNP

Nurse Practitioner
Categories: Family Medicine, Primary Care, Providers
Cooper Gilmore Health Center

Care philosophy: “I am a Family Nurse Practitioner and enjoy caring for people of all ages but I am particularly experienced and interested in the area of Geriatrics. I spend a great deal of time caring for patients as they age and in end of life situations. I do nursing home rounds each week in addition to my office hours. I enjoy all settings and feel particularly lucky to get to care for MDI Hospital patients in these various settings.”

Katy specializes in family practice and primary care. Her medical interests and expertise include geriatrics and end of life care. Katy is an avid athlete and an active member of the Acadian Youth Sports Board, where she works to help maintain and improve youth sport programs on the island. She and her husband were born and raised on Mount Desert Island and always planned to return to work on the Island as soon as their jobs allowed and positions were available. “I am blessed to help care for so many members of the community in which I was raised,” she says. The couple has two young children. When she is not at work, Katy spends the majority of her time chasing them around. She also enjoy running, hiking and most other outdoor activities.