MDI Hospital physician blends art with science to provide life-changing surgery

An MDI Hospital physician is using the scenic splendor of Maine and other places around the world to raise awareness and funds to help a young St. Lucian girl walk without disability.


Edward White, MD, is an orthopedic surgeon at MDI Hospital who has a passion for helping patients do the things they once could.  He’s also a gifted photographer who has captured unique perspectives of some of his favorite places in Maine, France, and Oregon. This summer, he is merging his two crafts to aid a six-year old girl named Kimberly who lives in the island nation of St. Lucia.

For six weeks this summer, the MDI Hospital cafeteria will also serve as an art gallery to display a collection of White’s works. The sale of the framed prints will help fund a life-changing surgery that Dr. White will perform in November.

Two years ago, Dr. White was in St. Lucia as a physician volunteer with Health Volunteers Overseas.  He saw a young girl with badly bowed legs and thought he could help.  Through local contacts, he tracked Kimberly down and made arrangements to evaluate her.

Kimberly was diagnosed with Blount’s Disease, a growth disturbance in the legs that causes permanent severe bowing. It is something that is treatable with surgery that includes applying an external frame that can be adjusted by increments daily after creating a break in the bone near the deformity.  Four months after surgery, Kimberly is expected to walk normally.

The plan to help Kimberly was already in place when Dr. White decided to share his photography. “I thought it would be a good way for the community to get involved and learn a little more about the project,” Dr. White said.

It is also an artistic pursuit that counters the formality of practicing medicine. “Being an orthopedist is disciplined and creativity is very undisciplined. Photography is my creative outlet.”

Nine of Dr. White’s photographs sold in the first week of the display. More are available and reprints can be ordered for photos that have already been sold.  The MDI Hospital cafeteria is open to the public from 6:30 am to 5:30 pm every day. To view Dr. White’s photography online, visit

MDI Hospital

MDI Hospital
10 Wayman Lane
Bar Harbor, ME 04609
207 288-5081

At Mount Desert Island Hospital, we provide comprehensive care for you and your family through our hospital in Bar Harbor and a network of health centers across Mount Desert Island.