MDI Hospital adds pediatric/internal medicine specialist to physician team

Mount Desert Island Hospital and Health Centers has added a pediatric and internal medicine specialist to its physician team with the addition of Michelle Kinbrook, MD. Dr. Kinbrook is dual board certified in pediatrics and internal medicine and will provide complete family care for children, teens, and adults at the Cooper-Gilmore and Trenton Health Centers.

Dr. Kinbrook completed her residency at Baystate Medical Center in Springfield, MA, which is a teaching hospital affiliated with Tufts University School of Medicine. She earned her medical degree at the University of  Kentucky College of Medicine, carried out post-graduate studies in Cell and Molecular Biology at the University of Virginia, and graduated with honors in Biochemistry at Imperial College of Sciences in London, England.

Part of what brought her to MDI Hospital was the ability to provide care for entire families and the long-term relationships the organization’s other providers have with their patients. “A big part of being a primary physician is getting to know your patients very well and understanding their needs and idiosyncracies.  It is about providing the best health care for MY community,… my families.”   ” Dr. Kinbrook said. “Most of the physicians have been here for a long time, which speaks a lot about the culture here that embraces that type of medicine.”

Dr. Kinbrook believes caring for the whole patient also includes being attentive to their emotional, functional, and physical well-being. She looks toward building a long-term trusting patient-physician relationship with her patients.  “I am committed to my patients. If someone needs to see me, I shall do all I can to meet their need.,” she said.

In addition to serving as a traditional family doctor, Dr. Kinbrook’s qualifications as a Pediatrician and an Internist enable her to care for patients with more serious illnesses and for patients when they are hospitalized. .

Prior to joining the MDI Hospital team, Dr. Kinbrook practiced in Wyoming and Colorado. Her enjoyment of the outdoors and arts was one of the attractions of working and living on MDI.  She is an active hiker, snowboarder, potter, and amateur musician but caring for her patients is her true calling. “Medicine is my first love,” she said. “It is an honor to be able to care for people. It’s nice to see my patients do well.”

Dr. Kinbrook welcomes new and existing patients of any age. To make an appointment, contact the Cooper-Gilmore Health Center in Bar Harbor at 288-5024 or the Trenton Health Center at 667-5899.

MDI Hospital

MDI Hospital
10 Wayman Lane
Bar Harbor, ME 04609
207 288-5081

At Mount Desert Island Hospital, we provide comprehensive care for you and your family through our hospital in Bar Harbor and a network of health centers across Mount Desert Island.