Poor Boys Restaurant pledges final night proceeds to MDI Hospital’s Lisa Stewart Women’s Health Center

The owners of Poor Boys Gourmet Restaurant on Main Street in Bar Harbor have pledged the profits from their last night of the summer season, Saturday, Oct. 20, to support Mount Desert Island Hospital’s Lisa Stewart Women’s Health Center.

“We’re very excited to support the Women’s Health Center because so many people worked very hard to get this project going,” said Kathleen Field, who, along with her husband Chris, own the restaurant. She is also a member of the MDI Hospital Board of Trustees and has been an active member of the Women’s Health Center Campaign Committee from its inception nearly a year ago.

Pledging the last night’s profits is a Poor Boys tradition that began more than 20 years ago. “We thought it would be a good way to thank the local people for a great season,” Field said. A number of local non profits have been the recipient of the funds over the years including the MDI YMCA, Beth C. Wright Cancer Resource Center, MDI Hospital, and the Bar Harbor Food Pantry to name a few.

The final night has become a tradition for many diners in the community and reservations are strongly suggested.  Call 288-4148 to make reservations.





MDI Hospital

MDI Hospital
10 Wayman Lane
Bar Harbor, ME 04609
207 288-5081

At Mount Desert Island Hospital, we provide comprehensive care for you and your family through our hospital in Bar Harbor and a network of health centers across Mount Desert Island.