To Our MDI Community

Mount Desert Island Community,

I am hopeful that you all have had a chance to be with your families, begin to process, and catch your breath in the last few days since the incident at Mount Desert Island High School took place. We are a small but mighty community and that strength was apparent as first responders, students, and staff of MDI High School shared with us their accounts of that afternoon. Part of what makes MDI so special is how quickly everyone can jump into action to lend a hand, help their neighbor, and be there for each other. Thank you to all the first responders and the staff at MDIHS for keeping our kids safe.

Part of our mission at MDI Hospital, is to provide compassionate care and strengthen the health of our community, and that is as important now as ever. We wanted to make available some of the resources that we have at our Behavioral Health Center so that parents and staff can have access to them as they navigate these conversations. We also encourage anyone who needs to talk to someone to reach out to our Behavioral Health Center, as we have licensed mental health medical professionals who work with adolescents and adults alike to improve mental health and wellness.

Be kind to each other, check on your friends, and know that MDI Hospital and Health Centers are here for you as well.

Chrissi Maguire, President/CEO
Mount Desert Island Hospital

Learn more about MDI Hospital’s Behavioral Health Center here.

The National Association of School Psychologist Resource

The National Child Traumatic Stress Resource

MDI Hospital

MDI Hospital
10 Wayman Lane
Bar Harbor, ME 04609
207 288-5081

At Mount Desert Island Hospital, we provide comprehensive care for you and your family through our hospital in Bar Harbor and a network of health centers across Mount Desert Island.