MDI Hospital earns well workplace award

Mount Desert Island Hospital has received the Silver Well Workplace Award from the Wellness Council of Maine in recognition of outstanding employee wellness programs.

The Well Workplace Award recognizes organizations that have embraced the responsibility for maximizing the health and well-being of their employees. Companies who receive the Well Workplace designation are known as “America’s Healthiest Companies” because their wellness programs produce results.

At MDI Hospital, the award recognizes the efforts of an employee-initiated series of wellness programs that began three years ago and include health risk assessment, weight loss, exercise, stress management and smoking cessation programs.

The Wellness Council scores applicants for the well workplace honors based on the availability and participation in wellness programs. Awards are presented at the bronze, silver, gold, and platinum levels, depending on an organization’s scores. Karen Yaeck, MDI Hospital’s wellness coordinator, applied for the award with the goal of reaching the Bronze level for this first application and was “very pleased to get the silver and almost a gold,” she said of being just two points shy of the Gold designation.

Well Workplace is not a competition whereby only a small number of companies can achieve an award, rather it is a recognition program where an award can be achieved by any company, small or large, meeting the challenging standards set forth by Wellness Council of America.

In 2007, MDI Hospital created a wellness team that is made up entirely of volunteers who research, develop and implement wellness programs based on employee interest.  The Thrive Program sponsors a variety of health promotion programs including a weight loss support group, health risk assessments and biometric screenings, and tobacco cessation.  In addition, programs focusing on physical activity and stress management are also offered.  “Employee wellness has been embraced by senior management and is a key element of our organization’s mission,” Yaeck said.

“It is rewarding to me to see how successful many of our wellness programs are as we all strive to lead healthy, productive lives at work, at home, and at play,” said Art Blank, MDI Hospital’s president/CEO.

Although separate from the employee wellness program, MDI Hospital offers services for employers to enhance their own wellness strategies including biometric screening to identify risk factors for chronic illness and disease. Contact Aimee Walls at 288-5081 today to learn more.

MDI Hospital

MDI Hospital
10 Wayman Lane
Bar Harbor, ME 04609
207 288-5081

At Mount Desert Island Hospital, we provide comprehensive care for you and your family through our hospital in Bar Harbor and a network of health centers across Mount Desert Island.